I hope by previous articles, I have shown what can be done to lower your grocery bill buy using coupons. Want to get in on the deals and try it yourself? The first step is to get as many coupons as you can. You can get coupons from the Sunday newspaper, sometimes the library has a coupon exchange box (if they don't, ask them to make one), from relatives and friends, and of course printable Internet coupons.
The biggest Internet coupon sites are: http://www.redplum.com/, http://www.smartsource.com/, and http://print.coupons.com/couponweb/index.aspxpid=13903&nid=10&zid=xh20&cid=0&bid=1152450001 which is coupons.com.
You can print each coupon twice.
The best website I have found for helping you match up coupons with the store weekly specials is:
They have price match ups for Harris Teeter, Bi-lo, Food Lion, Kroger, Publix, Bloom, Commissary, H-E-B, Harveys, Ingles, Lowes Foods, Sweetbay, and Winn Dixie. There are match ups for pharmacies and some super stores but, more on that later. I will also being doing an article on coupon organization soon.
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